Saturday, June 15, 2013



oleh Troy Betan (Catatan) pada 17 September 2012 pukul 19:34

I CRIED AND CALLED YOUR NAME, MAMI…. That’s the way I called my mother instead of ina or mama. That night was just an ordinary night I normally spend. I exercise at a gym at 6.30 PM n back home around 8 PM. Browsing on internet and chatting with my friends at both facebook (Fb) and twitter is my regular activity. I chat n comments on different status, or put a like on any picture pop out from any friends account.
Not long after, being on fb, there was an inbox coming to my account. I checked it and read: “My condolence over the death of your mom.” I tried to say that was not true n started to write what I'm thinking is the right one.  The truth is that my aunty had just passed away few days before. But, before I finished writing, I, again, tried to analyze those words. My feelings says that something is not right. I, then, checked my smartphone I recharged on the other end. I assumed that if something wrong, there must be text messages or phone calls coming in.

Inak senaren, kala doan goe kabe denge ata marin ti moe mabe pana pekenem di kae. Onek sama di lesu loran goe denge berita nhe. Peten inak di senaren moe mabe take ko kae na. Goe baca inbox, sms dan terima telpon rae lewotanah hau onek helo di kabe percaya hala, naku tabe matayet ke ata rabe ope nhe hala. Goe dei kabe peimeke hile kabe tani inak senaren eee, kabe kedoko te keregit ina maiko di kae nha. Mata maa di bedela moe peken kame waha kae.

Mami eeee setengah tidak percaya saya mencoba untuk mencari apa yang sebenarnya sedang terjadi. Sepertinya berita duka yang sedang aku terima sungguh nyata terjadi. Engkau sudah tiada. Sedih bercampur haru., duka dilanda nestapa aku mulai percaya bahwa memang mami sungguh sudah tiada, sudah berpulang ke haribaan yang Ilahi , sang Pencipta semesta.

MY MOUTH  LOCKED AND SEALED. There were phone calls and sms coming into my smartphone. I carefully read every message n yes, “MY MOM DID PASSED AWAY.” My heart beating faster than usual, I am trembling n I can sense how powerless I am that I couldn’t stand any longer. I sit down in silence and tried to figure out what had happened. Deep in my heart I cried, why my mom leave us this soon. I remember talking to my mom few days before this shaking and shocking news coming in. Mami… “nobody knows when his/ her time comes.” That’s what you underline when I asked you to be strong and staya little longer, the last talk with you few days before God really take you away from us.

KABE AKU INA…. Goe tobo pete inak moe, nala namurek murek naen. Ti mata mabe pekenem di kae. Ruaket kiri wia ara rua i neke denge ranem di lae helo ata waha kae, denge helo ata berara nhe di hala. Kabe pehe ahe tou di mege hala, leik limak di nabe roran tua. Ina eeeee, mata mai di turu tana kae na.

Telpon dan sms maupun inbox dif b semua menyampaikan berita duka itu. Engkau sungguh telah tiada. Rasanya badan ini lemas tak berdaya antara percaya dan tiada. Engkau pergi begitu cepat. Aku ingat suara mami di telpon beberapa hari sebelumnya, suaramu bening, tak terdengar seperti orang yang sedang sakit. Ketika aku meminta agar mami kuat, tetap menjaga kesehatan untuk bersama kami, engkau katakan “TDAK ADA ORANG YANG TAHU KAPAN WATUNYA DIPANGGIL TUHAN.” Ternyata, panggilan Yang Maha Kuasa datang lebih awal dari yang saya pikirkan. Mami eeee……..

MY HEART WAS A MIX OF SADNESS WITH THOSE PAST SWEET MEMORIES. In less than an hour, I have been in a public transport taking me to Jogjakarta that I can catch an early train heading to Surabaya. It’s the destination I chose coz my next plan is to find a plane taking me to Kupang or Maumere. An hour trip to Jogjakarta, my heart was a mix of sadness, and all things that reminds me of the sweet and bitter memories to those past times back home. That late evening, I waited for Lodaya Train, the train which took me to Surabaya with a hope to get a flight back home that day.

Ina eee. Onek sama roran, goe penawut ale bo tou rua, plae kai ait oto ia Magelang kala Yogjakarta nai ti bera ke heworek Surabaya pukan goe onek sama peten, leta kabe koi aem esi sebelum ata waha kae soga roono mai lodo turu plali tana. Inak senaren eee, goe hewo Surabaya di tiket nabe one go ait hala. Kabe kaano mianek di melan naku peten ata aya, ata lewho tanha, noi bauk eka neek di noo sambut baru. Nati peten kaa doa bhala, uku kaa di kenehi kaa mari kakak arik rae lewotana ti rae raa lepat, rai roo inak moe pana lodo lali kubur, kabe belele koino di hala naku doan onek goe sama peten, ooo inak eeee.

Dengan mengambil beberapa lembar pakaian dan beberapa perlengkapan seadanya, saya bergegas untuk mendapatkan kendaraan yang membawa saya ke Yogjakarta. Satu hal yang terpikirkan, segera mendapatkan tiket Kereta Api pagi itu (jam 01,30) Yogjakarta ~ Surabaya. Menunggu sejam lebih rasanya sangat lama. Akhrnya kereta api pun tiba dan sepanjang jalan tidak sedetikpun mata terpejam. Kesedihan sungguh2 melanda. Aku sayang mami, ibunda tercinta.

NO SEAT IS AVAILABLE, ALL ARE FULLY BOOKED. At 6.30, I had been at Juanda Airport Surabaya. I started searching for a ticket to fly back home. I came to every counter at the Airport but the answer was just the same. “FULLY BOOKED” no single ticket is available for me. It’s a terrible news coz it means that I couldn’t see my mom’s face and pay my last respect for her. I know, I can force to make everyone wait for another day before they took my mom to her final resting place but it’s not wise enough to do so.

Inak eeee, tiket di nabe one kabe ait hala. Goe daha agen tou kai agen tou mu tapi wahan kae nala take amu. Onek te peneket kaa koi aem esi, kai kaa moe pana hama2 koo kakak arik, anam keree waha kae lodo ata lewho tanha naku nabe one di bisa hala.

Tidak ada tiket hari itu, semua konter penerbanga yang ada di bandara saya datangi dan tidak ada satu kursi pun tersisa. Ketika tahu tidak ada lagi cara untuk bias berangkat hari itu, saya akhirnya memutuskan untuk memberitahu  ke kampung halaman agar menyiapkan berbagai hal untuk penguburan hari itu, Aku harus sedikit berkorban tidak melihat ibu saya meskipun sangat menginginkan hal itu. Aku ingin memberikan penghormatan terakhir sebagai wujud bhakti seorang anak kepada mama tercinta tapi apalah daya…….

“I WON’T BE HOME TODAY.” Please arrange everything for her burial today my dear brother. That’s the text message I sent to my brother as soon as I got no ticket home that day. What I needed to do is to make a reservation for the next day flight and luckily, a ticket was available for me. At seven o’clock the next morning, I have been in a plane bound for Denpasar, Bali. At 9.30 local time, we landed in Ngurah Rai, the International Airport in Bali. The very long transit before the same air plane took us to Maumere, East Nusa Tenggara. At 4.30 PM, I arrived in Maumere but my home is still miles n miles away. I arrived in Larantuka, East Flores at 8.50  in the evening. There has been no sea transport available that night so I decided to stay for a night at a motel nearby the sea port.

GOE BALIK PI RERO NHI BISA HALA, TIKET GOE AIT HALA. Goe sms arik rae lewo main a ti letaro rae urus tonek inak meskipun onek sama leta kabe koi hulero ae esi. Tpi nha goe taha hudawe ria di perohonek, bauk noi hogo di rae lewo noo sambut baru. Inak eeee, nati moe pana kabe koi aem esi di hala.

AKU TIDAK BISA PULANG HARI INI. Begitu bunyi sms yang saya kirim kepada saudara saya dikampung. Saya belum bias pulang hari ini, tolong diatur pemakaman ibunda tercinta. Meski ingin skali hati ini untuk melihat dan member penghormatan terakhir buat mami tapi tidak bisa. Banyak hal yang perlu jadi pertimbangan termasuk adanya “Komuni Pertama” (SAMBUT BARU) yang jadi kepentingan banyak orang di kampung. Keesokan harinya saya memulai perjalanan itu. Dari Surabaya kami transit di Denpasar, dari pagi hingga sore menjelang. Tiba di Denpasar sekitar jam 9.30 pagi baru berangkat menuju maumere jam 14.15. Tiba di Maumere sdh sore skitar jam 4 dan Mobil yang saya tumpangi tiba di Larantuka mendekati jam 9 malam. Tidak ada angkutan laut malam itu dan jalan pendekat Tobilota sangatlah jelek. Pagi2 benar, saya sudah berada di pelabuhan Larantuka siap menumpang kapal laut lokal yang akan mengantar saya ke Waiwerang.

ONLY AN EMPTY BED ON THE LEAVING ROOM. When I entered home I saw the empty bed on the leaving room. A bed,  which is normally provided at the leaving room for the dead body placement before he/ she is taken to his/ her final resting place. I was shaking n cannot resist. My tears fell down as my sister came toward me n hug me tightly. Crying was the only way to release all burden in my heart, all sad feelings over the dead of my mom. Mami eeee, you left me that soon without a word n I couldn’t see your smiling face anymore. The bed proves me that you have gone away from everyone who loves you and whom you love. We love you very much but we know God loves you more. GOODBYE Mami eee….

Mami………… Mami eeee, goe gere pita mata goe hule di nala kenata tou se madak geri nhe. Kenata nabe amu2 moe maiko di kae. Kakak Agnes pai gaha naranem nae tani mayano puke goe hewo moe di se lango eka wange kae. Kakak arik saren waha kae, tabe taaro aku? Onek te peroho no, goe sayamg koo moe inak senaren eee…..
Hanya sebuah tempat tidur kosong di ruang tamu. Begitulah kiranya pemandangan umum keluarga berduka di kampung halaman. Tempat tidur jenazah baru akan diambil setelah pesta keluarga hari keempat selesai. Mami eee, aku merindukan hadirmu, andaikan aku boleh meminta, aku ingin mami bisa hidup lebih lama. Tuhan punya kuasa atas kita dan berhak mengambil siapa saja dan kapan saja Dia mau.

That afternoon, I came to her graveyard. Some people are still working. They are making her tomb from morning. I leaned and gave my respect to all of them before I lit candles at my mom’s graveyard. I sent my special prayer expecting that God can hear me. As soon as they finished working, I lit several candles in my mom’s tomb, then to my dear papa next to her and a relative son who occupy the same area. In the evening, around 200 people came to pray for the second night. The prayer, which is traditionally descended from one generation to another generation especially in this strong Roman Catholic believers.

Nua bau nai goe rae kai rae kubur moenem. Ata bo pira hae mete kereya,. Koowe toborem se sampe rae kereya wahak ti goe tutu lilin bo pira hae ti gera se moenem, papi nae dan keponakan Dosi Laga. Mami eee, goe heworek naku kabe koi kubur amu, kabe koi aem esi di hala. Alate lodo gute mooro balike di kae ke nati pana maa rara te keloho.

Sore hari saya ke makam ibunda tercinta yang berdampingan dengan makam papi tercintayang telah meninggal tepat pada hari Natal 2010 yang silam. Aku memberikan isyarat hormat kepada setiap orang yang ada disana. Beberapa orang sedang mengerkakan kubur tempat peristirahatan mami tercinta. Stelah pekerjaan selesai sore itu, saya menyalakan beberapa lilin di pusara mami dan juga papi, serta keponakan Alm. Dosi Laga. Mami eeee, saya sdh sampai…. Mami eee, aku sayang padamu……….

On the third day after the burial, it is a special day which every relative came since morning. They came with special intentions. They brought cakes, rice and some brought animals (pigs or goats). It is based on the responsibility they have to take. It was a busy day coz lots of guests come n go. They came in small clusters based on family tie. Gender is an important point where ladies are accompanied by ladies and gents are accompanied with gents. The third night prayer is a special night where after the prayer, everyone is provided drinks and cakes and many people stay awake until morning come. Mami eeee, everyone is coming to pay his/ her respect on you. Hope you can happily see this moments from heaven.

Rero ke telho ata nimu namha waha kae ae beto ti rae rete waha bo dula tou noo gula bo bungkus tou di hama2 beto taa tenu wai pe rema gere ne. Hae di beto rete ewa witi atau wawe khusus rae yang rae gutiwe kae untuk raa rete nebho. Rema gere, sembayang wahak nati ata waha kae wai bo mua, kue bo kala di hama2 upek gelapi ki.
Hari ke 3 merupakan hari yang istimewa karena semua keluarga dekat datang dengan membawa berbagai bahan makanan seperti beras, gula, kue dan lainnya termasuk hewan potong seperti babi dan kambing bagi mereka yang telah ditunjuk untuk membawanya. Hari ke 3 ditutup dengan doa bersama dimana umat Katolik Stasi/ Basis yang memiliki tanggungjawab itu. Malam ke 3 todaklah sama dengan malam yang lain. Setelah doa selesai, dilanjutkan dengan minum dan makan kue bersama. Banyak diantaranya yang berjaga hingga pagi.

At the fourth day. It was still dark and very early in the morning, rice pestle sound harmoniously when two ladies clean rice for the family nuclei party. The traditional party for every family nuclei when the loved one died. The morning has broken, and a hen is ready to be slaughtered for this special ceremony. When everything is done and every family is ready at the living room, surrounding the bed my mom used at her last day. We sat there silently and the local ceremony was ready. The elder brother’s wife conducted the typical ceremony for the family. Note: grandfather, grand mother, brothers with their wifes and children, also sister/s who are still single or not married yet. They are part of the family nuclei. After the ceremony was over, the party for the whole people with blood ties and my mom’s neighbor began. They slaughter pigs and goats for a big party. It is a type of farewell party for my mom. O my dear mom… WE ALL LOVE YOU………….       

Rero di geta pai nebho di kae nha. Eka hegule beetene ulika di alo lali pita weli lango woho Alana di kae. Ina wae ata bo rua rae bayo waha nohu tou ti raa kame bua, kame pesta perpisahan moo inakem senaren. Eka neek manuk di beka lodo rolera plali tana, nhe ti rae poro manuk tou dena ti kame hama2 bua. Teka piri tou ti inakem nae, kame ata waha kae, ata lango tou ti kame di piri tou. Bua olune di hala, ni ti bua turu inak pana pekenem di kae ni. Kame kamenem teti lango wahak lodo rae bo beleka, bo tuhaka rae amet prat ti acara pesta nebho untuk ata waha kae di mulai ro kae na. Eka rera rero ulika di kame bua maaro le[ata, maaro wahaka di kae. INAK AMAK, KAKAK ARIK, OPU ALAT, INA BINE WAHA KAE, terimakasih koo mio waha kae, turu mio lodo ti maa ahe nabe baat di jadi kelie, ahe tou nabe tudak taga di nabe keloho kelepo. Nati noo kura gelaut haka pai, koda, kiri pia wewakem noon ala noo medo di goe leta maa de sare2, ake maa beke maa hola, turu tite di toi node mela node senare amu.

Hari ke 4 tiba waktunya untuk pesta perpisahan dengan ibunda tercinta. Pagi itu, hari masih gelap. Suara alu bertautan, dua orang ina2 sedang membersihkan beras pertanda pesta itu segera dimulai. Ketika hari mulai terang dan ayam turun dari pohon tempat mereka berdiam semalaman, seekor ayam betina pun dipotong untuk pelengkap acara. Begitulah budaya lokal, bila yang meninggal perempuan maka yang dipotong adalah ayam betina. Sebaliknya bila yang meninggal adalah laki2 maka ayam jantan yang dipotong untuk pesta keluarga inti. Setelah pesta keluarga selesai barulah pesta untuk keluarga besar yang memiliki ikatan kekerabatan tertentu serta tetangga sekitar.


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